Viber review cnet
Viber review cnet

And it's been reported about 20% of Viber’s revenue comes from ads. As always, it’s good to be careful reading or downloading things from people you don’t know. Also, Viber has had problems with bad people sending lots of spam and viruses. Some things they do we don’t love: When you join a group, your phone number will be visible to all group members, which could be a lot of people, so be careful. Some other good thing they do: Once a message is delivered, it is deleted from their servers so your messages aren’t sitting around where others could potentially access them and you can choose to hide yourself from any of the contacts in your contact list (handy when it comes to that ex of yours!). It's not perfect, but we do like they've been using end-to-end encryption by default since 2016 (except for group calls, those are only encrypted in transit). Especially when compared to other similar messaging apps like Telegram and Whatsapp. Viber seems to do a fairly good job at protecting their users' privacy and security.

Viber review cnet